Wednesday 29 July 2015

Wilmcote (Karen baking like mad)

Following a lazy Tuesday morning we set off up the 11 locks in the Wilmcote flight.  There was a longer pound before the final three so we stopped for lunch.  In the end we spent a few hours there as Karen wanted to bake some cakes and a couple of quiches to make sure there were no perishables left on the boat when we leave it for a few days at the end of the week.  As usual, I had no cause for complaint.

We completed the final three locks in the late afternoon and moored just before Wilmcote.  I noticed a plastic cruiser adrift in front of us and pulled it in with a boat hook.  Fortunately the pins were still attached to its lines so I knocked them back in.  I posted a message on various Facebook groups (as is the norm when people rescue a boat) so hopefully the owner will return soon.  The trouble with pins is that when boats go by too fast the pins have a tendency to pull out if they have not been secured correctly.

Only a couple of photographs today as we are returning up the stretch we covered a week or so ago but I took a picture of one of the bridges that typify the Stratford canal just to remind ourselves how much we have enjoyed it.

I also saw this posted earlier today and it rather tickled me as it appeals to my sense of humour.  
This is our evening view out of the front.


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