Thursday 16 July 2015


On Wednesday we travelled 17 miles back to Alrewas.  As we are retracing our steps for the next week or so there won't be loads of pictures of locks etc. on the daily blog entries.

Sophie and Yanos were still with us and as we went up seven locks Yanos had plenty of chance to hone his lock wheeling skills.  Sophie had a deadline to meet so spent the first part of the journey inside the boat writing – she looked really pleased once she had submitted her finished piece.

This picture could be used to convince people that narrow boats have wheels and run along the bottoms of canals.

Buddy was still in his habit of finding sticks to play with at each lock.

We were still cruising into the evening so treated ourselves to some wine for the last mile.

Here are some of the pictures Sophie took during the afternoon.

We stayed on deck for a while once we moored up at Alrewas and reminisced over the fun we had had over the last four days. We had a late dinner of roasted vegetables and sausages.  

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