Getting ready for VE Day celebrations |
It feels like those two weeks have flown by since the last
blog update but thinking about it, it would probably have felt the same if it had
been two days, two weeks or even two months ago.
At least we now know how the first phase of deconfinement is
planned to work in our area of France.
We are in the Marne départment which is designated as a red area based
on the rate of infection and hospital capacity. Although there have been very few cases in our town, our départment is red because its hospitals are being used for patients from the hard hit areas of Paris and Strasbourg, the two cities that we are between. This means that, although we don’t need a
signed form to go out anymore, we still have more restrictions than those in
the green areas. We can now go out more
than once a day and some shops are allowed to reopen but parks and public
places are still closed.
From a selfish
point of view, the canals in the red areas are remaining closed to non-commercial
traffic to at least the end of June even though the current plan is that those
in green areas will reopen at the end of May. The next review is at the beginning of June,
so we will stay put to see what happens next.
Marne is départment 51 in the middle of the red area in the north east |
While on lockdown I’ll mention some welcome and generous
news we received from Eurotunnel this week.
We hold an annual frequent traveller account and had four single trips
remaining before the current year runs out in June. We obviously couldn’t use these trips and
thought we may well lose them, but Eurotunnel have decided to extend all frequent
traveller accounts by 12 months, so we have a year to use those four trips. Clearly,
we are pleased with this result and think it’s a brilliant offer.
I went shopping for the first time as we needed to replace
an empty gas bottle and we didn’t want to approach the point where the second
gas bottle started running out. As in the UK, many fuel stations sell gas, but
only unmanned fuel stations are open at the moment. This means that gas is only available at fuel
stations where the safety cages are set up for self-operation by use of a
credit card. With none of these
available locally I set off for the garden centre down the road. For some reason, this outlet has been able to
remain open during the lockdown, maybe because it also sells gas? Anyway, the point of the story is that I felt
most apprehensive about the whole experience and now understand why Karen feels
anxious before she goes food shopping every ten days.
Amongst getting with our other jobs, Karen has continued to
make face masks and I have carried on with painting when the metalwork isn’t
too hot. Unbeknownst to me Karen took a
photo when I was painting the gunwales and it turned out to be a sort of upside-down
By the way, the steps in the background are nearly complete
and are now ready to be opened when lockdown finally finishes.
The project to build the steps was started just
before we arrived here at the end of October and they were due to be opened by
now but this has been delayed because of the lockdown.
As the steps lead down into the park they are
closed off at the top until parks are reopened and we are going to find it a
bit strange when that happens as people start using them to sit on.
Mentioning face masks, daughter Jo, who gives on line sewing classes, is now making face masks to order - please visit her site for more information.
Our daily walk has continued and one of the tasks on the
route is to check on the swans nesting at the far side of the port. Even though ducklings and goslings have been
around for some time now, it seems that the cygnets have taken forever to hatch
from their eggs. We were finally
rewarded yesterday, and three cygnets were in evidence leaving three eggs
unhatched. To be fair, Gorete had seen
the first cygnet arrive two days previously but it was under the incubating
parent whenever we checked on it.
We haven’t seen any further new species of butterfly for the
year and there really hasn’t been much to report on the natural history front
other than finding a single orchid down by the River Marne that we believe is a common spotted orchid. The reason we are not 100% sure is because the leaves, that are normally covered in black spots, are completely devoid of them..
Our lone common spotted orchid? |
The clear nights have meant the views of the much talked
about full flower moon have been spectacular.
Of course, smartphone pictures won’t do it justice, but they will serve
to remind us of those early May evenings stuck in the port at Châlons en Champagne.
Two years ago, we had a petunia that threw both pink and
purple flowers. We particularly remember
this because some people (e.g. Yanos 😉) wouldn’t believe us and swore we had
photoshopped the picture. To our
surprise one of this year’s plants is doing exactly the same thing:
Our non-photoshopped, two-coloured bloomed petunia |
VE Day is an annual public holiday in France but is
generally a subdued occasion, especially in the north where the French remember
the occupation rather than the celebration of the victory. Nikki & Gorete had some suitable red,
white and blue bunting so we put that up around our end of the pontoon. Karen baked some scones and we celebrated in
British style with jam and cream although, rather than pots of tea, we opened
the rosé.
Celebrating in style |
As with many people, not much excitement has happened over
the last few weeks but Gorete gave us a lovely surprise one day. We have managed to continue life as a family
doing all the usual stuff like morning coffee, afternoon tea and homemade cake,
evening drinks on the pontoon or trips to each other’s boat for dinner
etc. Fortunately (so far
we have all coped admirably with each other’s company and living so close
together – just as well really when you think about it. Anyway, having talked to the girls one
evening about our quest to find the decorated manhole covers in town, Gorete did
some research and got further than we did – she found an old article in the
local paper explaining how and why they appeared. If you open it in a browser with an inbuilt
translator like Chrome then you can read it in English –
click here for the article.
As our boat pictures are always taken from our end of the
port, here is one taken from the other end.
Daily video calls with Lauren & Lewis have continued so
we can keep up to date with Ellis who gives us plenty to smile about.
Hopefully, it will only be a few weeks before we can work
out whether or not we’ll be cruising this year (and start having more varied
blog content 😉).