Thursday 23 July 2015

Wilmcote (boat garden competitions & butterflies)

We had another easy day on Wednesday, boat-wise, covering two miles, one lock and the longest aqueduct in England.  The pictures make you feel like you are flying through the air.

Here is a similar shot when we came through in the winter.

Buddy was more interested in what was below.

We moored up in Wilmcote which is a lovely village, well known as the home of Mary Arden, even one of the pubs is called The Mary Arden.  As with Stratford upon Avon, most of the tourists seemed to be from the Far East.  Wilmcote is also popular with boaters but we found a spot to moor amongst other boats with flower displays.  Not like us to moor in a line of boats but we were only staying a while.

As it was we decided to stay for the rest of the day and went for walk in afternoon – there seemed to be far more sheep fields than we remembered.

Karen managed to get some good butterfly shots.  This is a Comma:

The Comma is so called because of the punctuation mark that can be seen on the underside here:

This is a Large White:

A Small White:

A Green Veined White:

And this is a Gatekeeper:

At the end of our walk we had to go down these steps which would prove difficult for the larger person (I’m being politically correct here fearing the wrath of my eldest daughter Sophie).

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