Wednesday 1 July 2015

Back towards Nottingham

Three of our daughters are joining us over the next few days so we're heading back to Nottingham to meet them.  It was forecast to be a hot day so we didn’t hang around in the morning.  We headed back up the Trent and stopped for lunch at moorings just above Gunsthorpe, the second lock of the day.  On the way we had passed this boat which had amused us.

I’m not sure if it was the weather but there were far more sand martins around than on the way up.  They were flying out of their nest holes in the river bank, skimming over the water and then returning to their holes.  A bit odd to us as we thought their young should have fledged by now.  We also saw several grey herons flying really high – far higher than we have seen before – maybe they were just happy in the warm air currents.  We also saw this gaggle of geese which looked like Egyptian geese but I thought they are only found in Norfolk – not a particularly good shot but can any readers help please?

Going past this cow made me think we were in India at first because it looked a bit like a water buffalo.

This sign at one of the locks explained about the Trent ketches that used to ply their trade on the river – by sail.

This house seemed rather fond of roses.

We moored for the day above Stoke lock - exhausted from being in the sun but we were glad to moor in the shade for the first time this year.  Here are a few river shots from today.

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