Thursday 30 July 2015

Wilmcote (automating plant watering)

As we are leaving the boat for a few days to go camping in the Yorkshire Dales with our children Karen has been concerned about how her plants will fare.  We have already decided to leave the boat in the shade which we shall do tomorrow.  We will take the tomato plants back to Kent with us when we go down to pick up the camping gear - this will give them an extra two days watering.  We have been saving plastic bottles and spent the morning sorting out automatic watering for the main flowers.  Karen was hoping to get a picture of me falling in whilst doing this:

This is the reason we decided to stay put in Wilmcote on Wednesday – a very quiet and pleasant location with hardly any passers-by.

Later in the afternoon Karen went by train to Nottingham to pick up our little blue car (called Nigel) from Catherine so we can drive back to Kent tomorrow.  Buddy and I went for a walk but didn’t see many butterflies as the weather wasn’t too good.  I did manage to get a couple of shots of an Essex Skipper – not bad for an old iPhone I thought.


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