Thursday 15 October 2015

Hurleston (Mid-week socialising)

The aim for Wednesday was to get onto the Llangollen canal – a new canal to us and Chalkhill Blue.  The canal was completed from the Shropshire Union down its 45 mile length to Llangollen in 1804.  This boat had moored near us overnight and clearly has an owner with a fastidiously tidy mind.

Yet again we had clear blue skies.

Each morning we get a global message from a fuel boat company based in the North West.  This morning’s message indicated we would be passing one of the boats so we told them to look out for us.  We met in Nantwich and filled up with fuel and bought some coal.

We assume the cows have large neck tags these days as so much is computerised, including the amount of feed delivered whilst the cow is being milked.

  I know we posted a picture of this sign when we came up here six months ago but it still made us chuckle…

…as did the name of this boat.

We went down the two locks at Hack Green.  (Note the two different types of stanking plank stores.)

This is Hurleston junction where we turned left onto the Llangollen canal. 

Karen’s cousin Dave and his wife Barbara are moored in this area at present and walked to meet us at the junction and help us up the set of four Hurleston locks.  We moored up at the top and went for a drink or two with them at their current local (picture at top).  As they are regulars the landlord has been allowing them to moor outside the pub for the last few weeks.

Here are the four Hurlston locks.

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