Monday 9 March 2015

Lazing around in Stratford on Avon

Saturday was forecast to be overcast in Stratford but it turned out to be like the rest of the country – the warmest day of the year so far.  We decided to stay in the basin until Monday morning.

The place is full of tourists and they are even more nosy than in London.  Constantly posing in front of the boat for photos or taking pictures through the windows.  They seem to think the boats are part of the Stratford attractions! 

We went for a long walk along the River Avon in the morning.  It was great to be wearing normal shoes and it felt like summer.

After lunch we walked around Stratford and then spent the rest of the day in the cratch enjoying the sun and people watching.  This was the first day this year that we have been able to sit in the cratch with the sides rolled up.  In fact, if it hadn’t been for the wind and also being in the middle of Stratford, we would have had a barbecue.

Unfortunately the only tickets available in the RSC theatre for the current offering, Much Ado About Nothing, were restricted views.  Our own fault as we should have booked in advance. We were amazed at how popular the theatres are at this time of year – but I suppose we could have guessed.

We lazed around on Sunday and went for a couple of walks along the Avon.

All the dogs seemed to be on leads so Buddy didn’t get the chance to tear around and use up some energy.  We found a field and one of us stood at each end and we spent a while calling him backwards and forwards across the field – he loved it.

Karen was happy as our daffodils are finally starting to bloom.

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