Thursday 12 March 2015

Final day in Wilmcote?

With Karen in Edinburgh on Wednesday Buddy and I were left to our own devices.  I ticked a few jobs off my job list and then planned out a circular walk.  The plan was to start by finding where the horse drawn tramway used to link a limestone quarry to the canal.  The blue lias limestone quarried from Wilmcote was used for the floor of the House of Lords as well as many well known houses and bridges in the Midlands.   

The tramway was extended over the canal to reach another quarry and a couple of limekilns.  This is all that remains of that bridge – the crossing itself was made of iron.

Walking across a field I could hear skylarks singing – their song always reminds me of my youth walking in the country on warm summer days.  Buddy came across one on the ground (unusual) and ended up chasing it across the field even though it was high in the air.  He went back on his lead and not too soon because across in the next field I could see some deer.

We cut back to the canal so we could walk along the towpath and he could be off his lead.  It wasn’t as sunny as yesterday but it was relatively mild and we only had a few drops of rain.   

Things are obviously hotting up as we saw three boats on the move today.

In the afternoon we did some log cutting and even Buddy was breaking up twigs!

We went to meet Karen from the station just before 11.30.  Buddy couldn’t understand why I was waking him up and taking him out in the dark but he got really excited when he realised we were waiting at a station.

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