Saturday 26 September 2015

Loughborough (chores and admin day)

As Catherine was visiting us in the evening on Friday we stayed put on our mooring in Loughborough during the day. 

Not moving was fine by us as we had lots of admin and chores to catch up with.  We went for a long walk in the middle of the day and saw quite a few butterflies including this lovely bright comma.

Buddy had a few good runs with other dogs but we had forgotten to take a ball to throw for him when we got to fields like this one.

In the afternoon we spent some time discussing the interior design of the new boat.  The important things to get right first are those that affect the shell such as position of windows, portholes and hatches.  It’s odd that even though we think we know exactly what we want after living on the boat for nearly a year, when we get into the detail there are so many options and decisions to make.  Fortunately Mike and Aileen were on hand – they designed their boat a couple of years ago – so could answer some of our questions and give some advice.  

In the evening we walked into Loughborough and met Catherine from work and had a quick drink in the White Hart – here’s a happy mum and daughter.

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