Wednesday 2 September 2015

Cathiron (on the straight and narrow)

Our aim for Tuesday was to get through Rugby and out into the countryside.  We filled up with water first which took over an hour because the pressure was so low and we had let the tank fall to about half full.  Buddy, as usual, guarded the hosepipe.

As we went through Rugby many of the modern bridges had murals depicting the game’s origin etc.  At least it seemed to keep the graffiti at bay.

We saw many signs of the straightening of the canal that occurred in the 1830s as mentioned in yesterday’s blog.  For example a large embankment and aqueduct had to be built to take the canal over the River Avon.  The original canal had looped around following a contour line with an aqueduct further south to get across the river.

This is the entrance to Newbold tunnel – this is the replacement for the one we investigated yesterday which was abandoned during the straightening.

Further examples of the straightening can still be seen wherever these fine iron bridges appear.  The loops that were formed were kept in water as they were used to service the original wharves etc. that were on the loops.  The loops have all disappeared now but some lengths of them remain and are used as boatyards and marinas.

We moored up for the night in Cathiron.

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