Thursday 24 September 2015

Loughborough (Catherine’s work town)

I spent some time on Wednesday morning trying to get my head round all the winter closures.  They have finally been agreed and show which locks are closed (and when and how long) over the winter period for maintenance.  I had had a go a couple of days ago and gave up so I got in touch with Aileen from Quaintrelle and she was having trouble comprehending it too – I think she’s got to the point where she is going to give up and she and Mike will put the boat in a marina and go skiing for three months.  It certainly seems more difficult to understand it this year and I’m still not clear how we will firm up on our routes over winter but this is as far as I got this morning.

The plan was to get to Loughborough as Catherine was stopping over for the night.  Here we are setting off from our overnight mooring in glorious weather again.

Most of the journey was on the river which has many weekend cottages alongside.

These emergency moorings didn’t look particularly strong.

As we have said before we are not really keen on rivers but have taken to the River Soar.

We went up Bishop’s Meadow and Loughborough locks.  We were joined by a couple who had just picked up their brand new narrowboat and have moved on board.  Quite an amazing step as they had never been on a narrowboat before, and they also designed it themselves.  They were really pleased to get advice on locking etc.


We soon came into Loughborough town centre - straight on is to the basin and to the left the navigation continues on to Leicester and beyond.

Here is the basin – we have seen worse and we have seen better.

Here we are turning left to find some moorings for the night.

We moored in time to watch the first rugby match and for Karen to bake a coffee and walnut cake.  Catherine came round after work for dinner and a sleepover.

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