Wednesday 16 September 2015

Brinklow (a day to get back to normal)

Tuesday for me meant getting the car back to Kent.  It seemed to take all day as I had the M6 and M1 early morning rush to contend with and then had to contend with public transport on the way back.  I got a bus from Coventry to the village nearest the boat and Karen and Buddy walked across the fields to meet me.  One was a field corn field.

Field corn is used for cattle feed and making things like corn flour.  The corns people eat are called sweet corns and are a different plant to the field corn.  Buddy was on a tight lead across this sheep field – the dark clouds looked ominous but they didn’t come to anything.

Part of the walk was along the Coventry Way where this pretty stone footbridge crosses Smite Brook near Brinklow.  The bridge is strangely called Lover's Bridge but I suppose Lovers' Bridge would be too simple and not conjure up any mystery.

During the day Karen had made a start on re-potting some of the plant pots with winter pansies and spring bulbs which made a cheery sight on our return to the boat.


It was good to relax in the evening knowing that we were free to travel where we wanted and not have to worry about moving a car etc.  We are really looking forward to getting on the move again on Wednesday – the last week away has been fun but tiring.

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