Friday 22 May 2015

Near Middlewich

As we set off on Thursday we realised how the rain and sun over the last week has suddenly turned everywhere green and summery.

We only travelled a few miles and found a good place to moor about two miles north of Middlewich.  We were in the middle of nowhere, over a mile from the nearest road but there were a few mooring rings so we stopped to take advantage of them.  If you use mooring stakes/pins then there is always a danger they come out when boats come past too fast.  Mooring bollards are better than pins but people can easily cast your boat adrift as we found out when we were on the Huddersfield Narrow canal north of Stalybridge.

Whilst having lunch we had an unexpected guest.

After lunch we walked into Middlewich.  The Croxton aqueduct of the river Dane has been rebuilt three times over the last two hundred years as, like other buildings in this area, it has been subject to subsidence due to the local salt mining.

These stanking planks are left open to the elements rather than being sheltered in a store.

If we went on this bridge with all our children we would break the limit – we wondered how it is policed.

Stanking plank store in the middle of town.

When we got back from our walk we had a chat with a couple, Derek and Helen, who had moored up next to us.  As soon as their last child left home they moved onto their boat.  They spend the winters in a marina and cruise the system from March to September.

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