Sunday 6 May 2018

Mow Cop (Karen wishing there weren’t mileposts every ¼ mile)

On Friday evening when we were sitting outside we had a splendid view of a pair of sparrowhawks getting angry with a couple of crows.  Quite often it’s the other way around; birds mobbing birds of prey to get them away from their nesting area.  The sparrowhawks seemed exceptionally angry so we assumed the crows had found their nest.

Light cloud was forecast for Saturday in this area, but like the south we hardly saw a cloud all day.  We fancied a bike ride so after breakfast we set off down the towpath to Congleton.  We saw plenty of orange tips, a few green veined, small and large whites and singletons of red admiral, peacock, small tortoiseshell, brimstone and speckled wood.   

At one muddy patch Karen spotted our first holly blue of the year.  It looked freshly emerged and was taking in the moisture.  Unfortunately it wouldn’t open its wings so we can’t show the gorgeous blue colour of the upper wings.

Our first holly blue this year 

As I mentioned the other day, the Macclesfield canal has large milestones every mile and smaller ones at the ¼ mile intervals.  It also has quite a few stanking plank stores and Karen soon got fed up waiting for me as I was taking pictures.  This was probably just as well as we may have missed the holly blue if she hadn’t gone on ahead 😉

When we got home there were three boats moored behind us, thus the moorings were full but the farthest two moved off in the late afternoon. 

The sparrowhawks were back again in the evening but they just seemed to be having fun playing and wheeling around the oak trees.  At one point one of them caught an animal or bird and they spent a while eating it on one of the large boughs of an oak tree.

The couple on the boat behind us were also sitting outside enjoying the sparrowhawk.  They had a couple of whippets that went to bed even earlier than Buddy and he kept walking up to their boat and just sat there next to one their dog’s balls as if willing them to come out and play:

Since being here, five hot air balloons have passed in the distance each morning and evening.  The wind hasn’t brought them close enough to get a decent photograph but it certainly has been the ideal weather for them.

Following the temporary repair works on the leak at Macclesfield the canal has been reopened so it looks like we’ll have no problem getting to Bugsworth next week.  We currently plan on staying here another couple of days and cruising during the week.

I need to get on now and find a good circular walk for today that is not on the towpath so we can avoid the milestones 😉

Sunday morning looking good 😊

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