Thursday 16 April 2015

Market Drayton

We set off for Market Drayton on Wednesday morning – a trip of six miles and five locks.  The weather wasn’t as warm as predicted but was pleasant enough.  The views were still very rural – in the background towards the right you can just make out a hill - The Wrekin.

Woodseaves cutting was impressive with its rocky sides and high bridges.  The only downside was that the towpath was very muddy.  Buddy used to do everything he could to avoid mud and water but that has all changed since we took him to the beach over Easter.  He now races through the mud and puddles so needs a good clean before getting on the boat.

He also seems to prefer drinking from the canal rather than his dog bowl.

Just before we arrived at Market Drayton we went down the five Tyrley locks.

After mooring up we wandered along the towpath to find Karen’s cousin Dave and his wife Barbara who are heading south in their boat.  They were moored at the other end of Market Drayton and we all went for a walk around the town.  In the evening we met up in a pub for a few drinks and a chat.

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