Tuesday 28 April 2015

A walk up Eccles Pike

We fancied a walk on Monday so decided to stay put in the basin.  We walked up Eccles Pike which gave us great views over Manchester and the Peak District.

This metal disc at the summit indicated the various landmarks we could see.

Buddy was pleased to be in hilly country and rushed round and round us on a steep bit.  This confirmed to us that going up hills is not so noticeable to him as it is to us.  The village in the picture is Chinley, the next village along from Bugsworth and where we met our friends yesterday.  We will probably catch a train from there tomorrow up to Edale as we would like to climb up Kinder Scout, weather permitting.

We suspected this slit in the stone wall was deliberately made so that fat people cannot go on walks and get into trouble.

On the way back down we walked to Whaley Bridge which has a much smaller basin that Bugsworth.

Buddy has started getting a bit braver with water but still won’t swim.

We passed this massive dog thing on the tow path.  It always strikes us as odd that people have many and/or large dogs on boats.

We had a walk around the various wharf ways where we are moored at Bugsworth.  This model shows the extent of the complex.

As we had been out with our friends yesterday we had our Sunday roast on Monday evening – even more enjoyable as it clouded over in the evening and got colder.

Here are a few shots of the basin.

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