Friday 9 January 2015

The Atherstone flight

As expected Thursday morning was wet but at least the wind had died down.  We decided to leave at 11 come rain or shine as we had 11 locks to descend during the day.  These are the 11 locks of the Atherstone flight spread over a couple of miles.  It stopped raining at 10.30 and we were treated to beautiful blue skies and sunshine.

Once again we were impressed with the tranquillity of the Coventry canal.

It was a busy day today – we passed three boats on the move!

Karen, who is the authority on lock gear in our relationship, was fascinated by the large cogs on the Atherstone locks’ paddle gear so took this picture to explain them to me. 

Mike and Aileen on nb Quaintrelle got in touch during the day as they are heading south towards us.  We agreed to meet up for a catch up.  This gave all of us an excuse to research pubs where we could meet.  After we moored we walked to the local pub marked on our map but unfortunately it had closed down.  When we got home Karen baked a fruit cake and we spent the evening in.

We are often asked if we forget what day it is.  I get all the days muddled up apart from Saturday; I know it's Saturday as soon as I smell Karen grilling bacon for bacon sandwiches.

Latest forecasts are for strong winds for the next three days so we may be stuck where we moored up this afternoon.  What a shame ;)

Here are the 11 locks we went down today.

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