Monday 26 January 2015

Catherine learns how to be intrepid

We woke up on Sunday to a fishing match going on around us.  Serious stuff: 48 of them fishing for five hours.  They took over an hour to get set up and, as usual, no fisherwomen.

As Catherine had stayed overnight we thought we should take her for a long walk and show her how intrepid we have become.  The idea was to follow an oblong walk starting with a couple of miles down the tow path then head a mile south to the River Trent then two miles along the river into Willington and then about a mile back north to the boat.

The tow paths can be very muddy around this part of Derbyshire.

So Catherine had to learn about tucking her socks in; not quite up to standard unfortunately.

All went well and we walked about ½ mile along the Trent with Buddy happily exploring.

Then we came across a flooded ditch emptying into the river and as it was still high from the rain last week we could not find a way across.  We tried for ages trying to cross on fallen branches but had to give up.  Anyway Catherine seemed really happy and relaxed having had some lessons in intrepidity.

Karen generally takes the pictures now and took one of this bridge as the arch was very low on the tow path side.

We had a late lunch then walked Catherine back to her car to say good bye to her.  We had to make sure she went the right way of course.  Karen suggested we pop into the Rising Sun again for a well earned pint.  Karen seems to be getting selective memory issues like me as she later sent Catherine a text to tell her that I had waylaid her and dragged her to the pub!

Buddy was pleased to get back home and even forsook his bed for a spot in front of the stove.

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