Not so cold today

After seeing Jo off on a train to London at lunchtime on Wednesday we had a bit of a cruise to Little Haywood.  It is lovely and quiet and overlooks Cannock Chase and Shughborough Hall.  
We feel now that we are on the move properly and hope to get some good cruising days in.  It was very grey today but so still and we're enjoying the open countryside prior to hitting the large urban areas in a week or so.

We head south to Birmingham in about a mile at Great Haywood Junction and are building ourselves up to the 21 lock flight heading into Wolverhampton.  At one point today we ran parallel with the River Trent which is noticeably less broad than it is in Nottingham.

The one lock we went up today, Chilcot lock, was fascinating as it was in a farm yard, the bridge over the lock was a sea of mud.  

Here's Buddy guarding me whilst I'm in  the lock.

To my delight it had a stanking plan shed with two different lengths of planks.  

We moored up next to some snowdrops which, although they seem in the wild, are garden escapees.  Apparently, and sadly, the native UK snowdrop is extinct from over collecting.  Reminded us of a walk we went on when in France once.  We came across a wood with wild daffodils and they were being decimated by people who we later realised were selling them in a local market.

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