Thursday 5 February 2015

A day in Alrewas

We were frozen in on Wednesday morning and the forecast gave no prospect of it thawing. So in the morning we had a good walk around Alrewas which turned out to be a tick for our list of villages we could live in.  We had bought something on Amazon at the weekend for delivery to the Alrewas pick up point in their post office.  Very impressive service as we now feel that there is no practical difference between being itinerant and living in bricks and mortar.  After lunch we went for a longer walk starting off by finding the old mill.  This has now been converted into apartments but seemed really large for the size of the village.

The ducks on the millstream obviously expected us to feed them.

As we left the village for the open countryside we passed this commemorative seat with a well known and rather apt saying.

We then crossed some fields and walked along the River Trent for a while.  This is to the south of the canal but in the distance we could see the church at the deserted village of Wychnor that we walked to on Monday.

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