Saturday 22 July 2017

Hatton Lock 28 (a wintry summer’s day)

We stopped seven locks short of the bottom of the Hatton flight on Thursday night and my plan for Friday was to get down another five of them whilst Karen was at work.  We wanted to moor just above the second lock up – Peter and Wendy were moored there when we first met them and we thought it was a great spot then.  They cruise a similar pattern to us as they both work in Warwick.
When we saw them moored in that spot in January the flight was closed above them for winter maintenance so they were able to stay there for a few weeks without being asked to move on.  A similar situation to the one we had at Lapworth in February where we didn’t move for seven weeks.

Karen left for work even earlier than usual and I got up soon afterwards as I fancied an early morning cruise but it started raining just as I was going to set out at 6.30 so I decided to leave it until later.  As it was, it kept drizzling when I did set off and the wind had got a lot stronger.  Some of the locks are quite exposed so I had to be really careful not to lose the boat when setting them or closing them up.

Getting the second lock of the day ready, just below the unsurprisingly named Ugly bridge

We had no mishaps on the way down and met no other boats.  Once we were moored up a few boats went past but not as many as I had seen on other days this week.

Our mooring for Friday night and possibly the weekend

When I set out on Thursday and started locking before Karen came home, I took a selfie and sent it to our family Whatsup group that we call FAMSpam.  I am always ridiculed for not being able to take selfies without pulling a silly face so I wanted to show them that I could.

The selfie whilst locking on Thursday

Of course, they all took the mickey and Karen sent a message that she wouldn’t come home if I was looking like that.

I took another one whilst locking today and it met with some approval from the family.

Selfie taken on Friday

We are now just over two miles from Karen’s office and she parked in the estate by the Saltisford arm when she came home.  I met her there and we walked into Warwick for a drink and a meal.  Unfortunately, the skies burst when I was walking along the towpath to meet her but at least I had packed our waterproof coats in the backpack.  I had forgotten the waterproof trousers so by the time we got into town our jeans were soaked through.  We agreed not to mention how wet and uncomfortable our legs felt whilst having our meal!  It wasn’t raining quite so hard on the way home and it was only a mile to walk so didn’t take long.

We may well stay here for the weekend and do some more exploring of Warwick.

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