Friday 28 July 2017

Bascote (I didn’t think it possible to do nothing all day)

Our morning view at Bascote...

My legs have been aching off and on for the last few days.  This normally only happens when I hurt my back and my legs get stressed to compensate for the back spasm.  My back has felt alright this week so we have assumed it’s something else and that my back is OK.  

The plan for Buddy’s morning walk on Thursday was to go to the Co-op in Long Itchington to pick up some salad stuff and then go for a walk in the woods.  As it was, I only got about 100 yards and then started to hobble, so it was back to the boat to take it easy for the rest of the day.  I blame Lauren, my middle daughter, as she caused my original slipped disc 26 years ago.  She was a baby and I was putting her into her car seat one day and found I couldn’t straighten up.  I was taken to hospital and ended up being off work for two months.  Ever since then my back goes into spasm about once year.

We had planned to have an evening cruise up the Stockton flight when Karen got home from work but clearly that wasn’t going to happen and we stayed put all day.  There are several people moored here at present who work locally.  Poor Karen is the last home so gets the worst parking spot in terms of puddles and not quite being off the road. 

I had a good chat with Steph and Maurice on their boat Dibitu, she works in Banbury and he works at Napton.  Before they bought it, their narrowboat had been on all the navigable waterways of England, Wales and Scotland and also a large number of mainland European ones.  Talking about European waterways, Mike and Aileen seem to be really enjoying cruising round France and I have to admit that Aileen’s blog writing puts mine to shame (Aileen's blog).

I mention Aileen as she had a piece of interesting news yesterday, she had been asked to write an article on having their boat shipped to France and their first six months travelling there.  She has now been told that her article will be published in Canal Boat magazine over the next two months.  At least I can take the credit for convincing her to start writing a blog 😊

... looking the other way

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