Tuesday 1 November 2016

Flecknoe (ghost cars or boats?)

It’s really good to be moored back at Flecknoe; no sounds other than tractors, wildlife and the odd passing boat.  

Just over the hill is Flecknoe village

What is rather strange, though, is that there are far more cars parked in the lane than there are moored boats.  Talking to some of our neighbours yesterday they have often noticed the same here too.  

I may have mentioned before that Flecknoe is high up on our list of places we could buy a house and retire too – 'our resting place' as we call it.  So many pretty villages are spoilt because the lanes become rat runs in the rush hour; not so with Flecknoe and it has a good pub too!

By the time the sun burnt through the clouds it was tee shirt weather and it seemed everyone was out working on their boats.  Buddy and I went for a long walk and when we got back I changed the gearbox oil.  I also need to change the engine oil but haven’t got enough empty containers for the old oil yet.  I’ll call at the next boatyard as they tend to have facilities for emptying old oil.  At least once these jobs are done the oil won’t need changing for another 500 hours and, as we don’t cruise that much whilst Karen is working, it won’t come round too soon.

Mick, one of our neighbours has two young dogs and they played with Buddy for ages on the towpath.  At least he was kept amused whilst I was in the engine bay.

Buddy and his buddies

By the way, Buddy is the name he came with when we got him from the RSPCA, it’s not a name we would have chosen ourselves.  It’s especially strange in some parts of the country where people use the informal greeting, ‘buddy’ rather than ‘mate’ etc.  I always think, how do they know his name?

As it was Monday we went to Stratford in the evening for our weekly bridge lessons.

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