Monday 31 October 2016

Flecknoe (pumpkins and butterflies, real and otherwise)

By Sunday we’d had enough of mooring in Braunston and wanted to get out into the countryside again.  But first we put a couple of small Chalkhill Blue vinyl butterflies towards the front of the boat.

Two more Chalkhill Blues

We then filled up with water and cleared the roof of the leaves that had gathered over the last few days whilst we had been moored under a large ash tree. 

Heading out of Braunston

We were going to cruise to Flecknoe and as it was only three miles away Karen and Buddy walked there.  It wasn’t a particularly sunny day but it was dry and mild and Karen was fortunate to see a fairly fresh red Admiral butterfly.

Red Admiral on the towpath outside Braunston

Once we moored for the day Buddy was expecting dinner even though it was only about one o’clock.

Buddy standing on the back deck expecting food

Needless to say, Buddy didn’t get fed and I walked back to Braunston with him to get the car.  When I got back Karen had been busy with the pumpkin that Mike and Lesley gave us on Friday.

Our pumpkin and chilli soup

Just to prove you don’t need to waste any of the fruit, Karen had also roasted the pumpkin seeds.

Roasted pumpkin seeds for nibbling during the afternoon

I did think Karen had made a good job of the carving – don’t worry it wasn’t left on the stove for long!

It was really quite foggy on Monday morning but it started lifting when Buddy and I got back from our first walk in the morning and the sun started to burn through.

I love seeing boats with their chimneys smoking on misty mornings like this morning

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