Tuesday 25 October 2016

Hillmorton (we did take an easy Sunday)

Our mooring for the last couple of days in Hillmorton

Before leaving Rugby on Sunday we took advantage of being in a town.  We did a large supermarket shop and then descended on a DIY store as we needed to get incidentals such as hooks etc.  With 20% less space in the new boat we are putting hooks in all the cupboards as a lot of space tends to get wasted especially on the inside of doors.

In the afternoon we cruised a couple of miles to just below Hillmorton and then walked back to get the car. 

Cruising through the outskirts of Rugby on Sunday afternoon

On our walk back we passed the gardens of many houses and it got us musing about living in a house again.  As much as Karen doesn’t miss it, she feels she could make the transition back to bricks and mortar quite easily after a few more years living on the boat.  I’m not so sure; I certainly don’t want to live in a house at the moment and consider them such a tie now we have the freedom of a roaming home.  That all said, we are both often looking out for our resting home – we accept that it probably would be sensible to spend the final years on dry land and both share the ideal type of house we would live in.

When we were in Rugby we bought some more winter/spring plants.  As it was such a lovely evening when we moored we potted them up before going indoors for the rest of the day.

First time we have had to use a gangplank with Chalkhill Blue 2

Even though we are still getting lots of sun a chill seems to have crept in and we have noticed how the leaves on the trees suddenly started turning this weekend.  It won’t be long for the first frost and then that will really change things.  We decided to get our winter gear ready for wearing as we don’t want to get caught out scrabbling around under the bed or in hard to access storage areas before getting dressed one morning.

On Monday Buddy and I took another easy day and had a couple of long walks.  We will need our waste tank emptied soon and I wanted to check that the local boatyard would be open when we went past this week. We walked to the yard only to find it had closed down – apparently the owner had been a bad lad and had been put away for some misdemeanour.  I found another boatyard, on an old arm, and they told me their pump out was only available for their residents.  They did say that I should call in when passing and if someone was around they will pump us out.

Failing that we will just have to wait until we get to Braunston where there is a massive, snooty looking marina, but I suppose they won’t turn us down in a new looking boat.

On Monday evening we went to Stratford bridge club for our first lesson of the new acedemic year - we have missed the first three weeks as we have been up North.  It was good to get back and join our friends Jo and Ileen that we played with every week over the summer break.  They had certainly missed us as they had been lumbered with a couple of 'know it alls' in our absence and were visiby relaxed we were back.

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