Wednesday 26 October 2016

Barby (it must be half term)

My initial plan on Tuesday was to go up the Hillmorton flight of locks and then cruise the remaining seven miles of the northern section of the Oxford canal until it meets the Grand Union canal at Braunston.

It seemed like a constant stream of boats were going past us first thing so I left it a while until we set off. It had dawned on me that this is half term week and not really a good week for moving; however, we needed services so I needed to get nearer Braunston.

Even though I set off when it seemed quieter there were still four boats in front of us waiting to go up the first pair of locks.  Though, because the locks are in pairs, it meant the wait time was cut by half.

Lots of people at the bottom lock at Hillmorton

Some hire boaters were being given instructions on how to operate locks and I was asked if I minded them helping out.  I was happy for any assistance, provided they did as they were told.  All went without mishap and by the time we got to the top pair of locks there were no people or boats in sight.

Coming up the top pair of locks at Hillmorton

We moored up for lunch after the mile long Barby straight and then went for a walk.

Moored for Tuesday lunch and, as it turned out, our mooring for Tuesday night

Now that we are back into the routine of not travelling far each day and Karen commuting daily we have got back to having salad and fruit salad for lunch.  Whilst I make my lunch I make the same for Karen to take to work the next day.

Buddy waiting for me under the M45 during our post lunch walk.

When we got back to the boat I decided to stay put for the rest of the day.  We were just three miles short of Braunston and I had a few chores to do.  We were also morred near a raod bridge with a handy layby to park in when Karen got back from Manchester in the evening.  I may have mentioned how ironic it was that Karen had to go to Manchester for work today having been in that neck of the woods for a few weeks whilst the boat was being finished.

We have travelled 112 miles through 75 locks since moving onto CHB2 12 days ago.  From now on we will really slacken off the pace and move every week or so.

Our journey so far in Chalkhill Blue 2

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