Friday 4 November 2016

Napton reservoir (great day for hanging out the washing)

When Karen got home from work on Wednesday evening we popped down to the Folly Inn at Napton for a couple of drinks before dinner.  During the summer months it is normally full of boaters and walkers but now it’s the quiet time it was full of locals out for an evening meal or a pint or two.

Looking out of the bedroom window on Thursday morning I was greeted by an early hot air balloon flying past.

Buddy and I walked down to the local boatyard at Calcutt to check they would dispose of our old oil when we go past on the boat and then set off for a walk away from the canal.  As we go into each field I have to check whether there are any livestock in it and, if not, I let Buddy have a run – obviously only if it’s a grass field and not one with growing crops.

Buddy sensing freedom

He is very wary of cows and will cower down if they come close which is what cows tend to do as they can be so inquisitive.  With sheep it’s the other way round, he just wants to get off the lead and have a play.

One of the reasons I like this area is that there are so many undisturbed pasture fields.  Some are protected and can only be used for grazing as they are either sites of abandoned medieval settlements or they are medieval fields that have not been ploughed for generations.

This protected field intrigues me as it has a partial hedge round it but is sitting in the middle of a larger field which does get ploughed

Buddy finds himself off the lead again

It’s completely different walking round the reservoirs compared to when we were last here in the summer.  Not least because there are no, or very few, fishermen so I don’t have to worry about keeping Buddy away from their bait and sandwiches.

Our mooring at Napton reservoir

Whilst we are cruising backwards and forwards between Warwick and Braunston for the next few months I will always try and use Mark on his fuel boat Callisto for coal and diesel.  We will still need to visit boatyards to get a pump out and also find water points.

Our stomping ground for the next few months.  There is one diesel point if Mark is not around. Plenty of water points and a few pump out places.

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