Monday 14 November 2016

Radford Semele (Family weekend so no boaty stuff)

Not what Buddy expected to find when he went through the bridge hole this morning

Saturday didn’t start too well for Sophie, my eldest daughter, as she hit a deer on her way to work at 4.30 in the morning.  She was OK but the car had a lot of damage and was not driveable and the deer was killed instantly.  In the interests of decency I haven’t included a picture of the deer.  Fortunately for Sophie two guys stopped and help her sort things out like moving the deer and calling the police and the breakdown company.

Buddy and I went down to Reading on Saturday morning as Lauren, my middle daughter, was hosting a family get together for the weekend.  Karen had been in Scotland for a couple of days so she headed to Reading by train.  Lauren had bought some self assembly furniture so she and I spent a few hours wrestling with that when I arrived but we got the job done.

Before we drove to Reading I ran the boat engine in gear and  at high revs for a while – apparently this is meant to be done every so often to burn off carbon deposits amongst other things.  It’s always difficult to find somewhere to do this as you don’t want to erode the canal bank, annoy neighbours or find your boat getting free and careering off down the cut.

Disturbing the peace on Saturday morning.  All three criteria met – no neighbours to annoy, bank protected by metal Armco and boat moored securely.

As I mentioned the other day there is a Polish family living in the woods just down from where we are moored but I haven’t managed to find out any more about their circumstances as only the girl was around on Saturday morning and she has very little English.

Our Polish neighbours

A few of our family stayed at Lauren’s on Saturday evening and the rest came over on Sunday - well six of our nine children were there, some with partners.

Part of our family

Amanda always makes a pavlova for family get-togethers and this weekend’s one was as good as ever.

Another one of Amanda’s amazing pavlovas and a cheesecake as a little extra

Before we left on Sunday evening we did a few odd jobs for Lauren and she learnt how to use the electric drill we had given her for her birthday.

Lauren doing man stuff

On our way home to the boat we dropped Matthew (Karen’s eldest) off in Oxford and Catherine (her middle one) at Rugby station.

It was a great family weekend away from the boat and good to have a lot of catch up time with most of our children.

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