Thursday, 12 April 2018

Tomlow (working and walking)

After three solid days of rain it finally stopped on Tuesday morning, it was replaced with grey, damp, misty weather but at least it wasn’t cold. 

Karen has been working from the boat this week, but she has made sure she joins Buddy and me for an hour’s walk each day.  She will do the same for her final week next week and go into the office on Thursday to hand in her pass etc.



Weather: Misty, grey, intermittent rain and not a glimmer of sun.

Towpath: Muddy, wet and slippery

Walks:  Muddy, wet and slippery



Weather: Misty, grey, intermittent rain and not a glimmer of sun.

Towpath: Muddier, wetter and more slippery

Walks:  Muddier, wetter and more slippery



Weather: Misty, grey, intermittent rain and not a glimmer of sun.

Towpath: Even muddier, even wetter and even more slippery

Walks: Even muddier, even wetter and even more slippery

As our friend Trudy pointed out, schools go back next week so no doubt the weather will improve 😉  Mind you, considering it’s been holiday time, we’ve seen very few boats on the move.

I bet you can’t wait for the next exciting update - Buddy can't!

1 comment:

Curmudgeon said...

If it is any consolation it has been just as dull, dank and wet underfoot here in the Surrey Hills.
We are back up on the boat next week so I’m afraid it is unlikely to take a turn for the better.