Tuesday 10 April 2018

Tomlow (finally got rid of all that used engine oil)

When I took Buddy out for his pre-breakfast walk I had a look around Nelson’s Wharf to see how Steve’s restoration work has been getting on since we were last here.

Arm completely restored with some of the kilns exposed on the far side

Apparently, the arm used to terminate under the lime/cement works but without a winding hole, so the working boats used to be reversed back out of the arm.

One of the old kilns

Karen now has two weeks working from the boat before submitting her final invoice and we can move out of the area.  As she often works from the boat we are used to mooring in spots with good internet connection.  Unfortunately, Nelson’s Wharf was not one of those places, so we decided to move the boat on Monday to a spot on the main canal just down from Nelson’s.

Before we moved I went into the training centre to sit my CEVNI test which, fortunately, I passed with a healthy 93% 😊  Whilst I was there I picked up our helmsman’s certificates:

Now I have passed my CEVNI as well I can now apply for my International Certificate of Competence to enable me to drive the boat on the continent.   As I said the other day, Karen will do hers in a few weeks.

Whilst Karen had some work calls Buddy and I went to move the car in the pouring rain.  The rain had started on Sunday morning and it seems to have rained ever since as every time we have woken up in the last two nights we could still hear the rain.  In fact, it’s still raining this Tuesday morning as I sit here writing the blog.

As it was now lunchtime, Karen drove the boat to our new mooring to have a break from working

Once on the move we decided to moor at Tomlow instead so carried on cruising for a while.  When we were moored up again Karen got back to work, and I set about getting rid of about 20 litres of used engine oil that we haven’t managed to get rid of and other assorted rubbish hanging around in the engine bay.  

It wasn’t until I was ready to load the car to take everything down to the Stockton tip that I realised that the car was in the wrong place. I had moved it in the morning to where we were going to moor and then we had changed our minds and moored elsewhere.  That meant a rapid walk back to get the car; time was tight as the tip closes at 3.30 and wouldn’t be open again until next Saturday. As it was I made it OK and no one questioned that I was disposing of double the monthly allowance of used oil.

Whenever we moor at Tomlow in the spring we have always noticed how vociferous the sheep are in the surrounding fields.  This year seems to be no exception and they were going full pelt when I got back – don’t get me wrong, we love the sound.  They get especially loud when the farmer arrives to do his regular checks on the lambs as they think they are going to get fed which, I suppose, sometimes they do.

Later on, we all went for a walk to pick up some eggs from a lady we always buy them from when we are in the area.  She lives right next to the bridge that is currently closed having its parapets repaired.

Road obviously closed

As we were chatting to her three cars came up and turned around – clearly ignoring the road closed signs further back down the lane.  She said that over the weekend, that as well as cars, she had two horse boxes and two cars with caravans turn around in her drive!

Our mooring for this week at Tomlow

Unusually, we are sharing this stretch with other boats, a plastic boat and a sail away broadbeam which you can just see in the distance in the picture above; we normally have the place to ourselves.  The broadbeam is in rather a selfish spot because the vegetation on the opposite bank is nearly reaching over to him.  It’s not easy to get by on a narrowboat without hitting the bushes, let alone another broadbeam trying to pass.


Even though it's constantly raining it seems that every time we look out of the window we see a great crested grebe.  I've no idea of the gender but it clearly hasn't found a mate yet.

In the evening we went over to Stratford for our penultimate bridge evening, so it was a little sad as we realised we were nearly at the end of a weekly experience that had developed over the last two years   

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