Monday 1 May 2017

Preston Bagot (last day of hippyfest)

On Sunday we worked out a six mile circular walk taking in a couple of lovely villages/hamlets like Holywell and Yarningale.  We were on the hunt for wild garlic as it really is the season now and the pungent smell is wonderful to sense in the early evenings along the cut at the moment.

Gathering the leaves

Karen is going to make some pesto with some of the leaves – the first time we have tried this recipe.  Not only does it use wild garlic leaves instead of basil it also uses walnuts instead of pine nuts.

Setting out away from the cut at Preston Bagot top lock.

I have probably mentioned many times the barrel roofed lock cottages on the Stratford canal and how very few are unimproved and most have been greatly extended.  Some people think the one at Preston Bagot is a really pretty extension whilst others, us included, think it’s ugly.

You can see the original barrel roofed cottage on the far left so you can see the extent of the extension

We had a gentle climb to the top of Yarningale common and then headed out across more fields towards Lowsonford.

Yarningale common

Friendly Shetland pony

We passed several secluded houses including one abandoned one.  When we see these places, Karen always remarks that there should be an app that allows you to pin a particular property so that you get alerted when it comes on the market.

Abandoned remote house

Although the house was in a great remote location that we would like, we could just hear the hum of the M40 in the background so that rather spoilt it for us.

Riot of different wild flowers in the hedgerow

Karen cooked a really good wild garlic, chilli, fennel and broken sausage fusilli in the late afternoon and then we walked back to the Beltane Bash to see Liz and Blair on stage with their band, Dissident Noise Factory.

Fortunately Karen remembered at the last minute to bring the raffle tickets that we were handed in exchange for our entrance fee on Saturday so we could get back in.

The bash from the little lane that leads down to it

The band were really good and packed out the main tent.  We also met a few people we knew so were able to have a catch up with them too. 

The band getting ready

The band in action – Liz on the fiddle and Blair on the bass guitar next to her
I think the couple facing us are the landowners and the guy was acting like he might be a future Michael Beavis

We didn't feel we could take pictures of the horse drawn caravans and other living vehicles as they are people's homes.  It's always a bit odd when we find people taking pictures of our boat.

Home brew bar in the middle

Today we are setting back off to Stratford – just 9 miles and 18 locks so a nice quiet day to end the long weekend.

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