Thursday 6 August 2015

Edstone (flowers and tomatoes survived)

After four fun days camping in the Yorkshire Dales with many of the extended family we returned to the boat on Wednesday.  We never managed to get a picture of all of us but this one has most of us in – on the limestone pavement above Malham Cove.

We got back to the boat on Wednesday afternoon and, to Karen’s relief, the plants seemed to have survived.  As we had left the boat in a gloomy spot at Wilmcote (to keep the plants out of the sun) we cruised a couple of miles to open country in Edstone and Karen did some dead-heading on the way.

The tomato plants survived and it looks like we’re going to be having a lot of tomato based meals:

After mooring we chilled out for the rest of the day and decided to leave planning where we’re heading next until tomorrow.

Here are a few of the things we did in Yorkshire - we had more than enough people for two cricket teams!

My Dad wanted to make sure he went on a limestone pavement whilst he could still do it – not many 87 year olds manage it!

Karen and I beat the youngsters at wheelbarrow racing.

Karen and I showed Buddy how to play with a Frisbee at the campsite.

Buddy had to be kept on a lead most of the time because of the sheep.

This was our view from our tents – we think it’s probably the best campsite in the world and have been coming here every year for nearly 15 years..

After dinner drinks for some of us on the only evening it rained.

I had forgotten to pack the sides to our gazebo so Lewis helped to put an unused tent to good use.

Some of us watching a family of peregrine falcons.

We couldn’t keep away from the canal – here’s my youngest and oldest daughters (and their boyfriends) at a lock on the Leeds & Liverpool canal in Gargrave where my parents live.

Setting off on a race up Gordale Scar…

… and having a well-deserved beer at the top.

Looking down on the remaining tents on Tuesday after some of the crowd had left.


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