Saturday 27 February 2016

Huddlesford (start of bridge hopping)

On Friday morning Karen stayed on board making soups and cakes whilst Buddy and I cruised down to Streethay Wharf for all the usual services.  We have used this boat yard three times now and each time we have arrived the workers are on a break.  It is wonderfully old fashioned; at 10.45 the office lady went outside and rang a bell and what seemed like streams of men appeared from a hut and went back to their jobs.  She assigned one of them to look after us.

We then continued another mile or so to Huddlesford where we will probably be moored for a week or two whilst waiting for some works to be completed on locks near Tamworth.  We are only about 40 miles from Karen’s office here and there is an M6 toll junction about four miles away so hopefully her commute won’t be too bad.

After lunch we walked to Whittington to get the car and bring it nearer the boat.  On the way we passed Louise who was just mooring her boat – we met her last night at Fradley.  There are quite a few boats moored near us and I had a chat with Mark on one of them.  It appears that most of the boaters moored here are using the easy access to the road so they can get to work by car.  This unusual coloured boat is moored near us. 

My sister Judith, and Nigel came to stay over on the Friday night and we had a most enjoyable time including watching the rugby.  We went to bed at a sensible time as we had to be up early on Saturday to get Karen’s work clothes which are stored at her mum’s in Wendover.

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