Wednesday 31 January 2018

Hatton station (positioned for the weekend)

Moored back at Hatton station on Tuesday

It was a lovely bright and frosty start to Tuesday, so I thought I’d finally leave Lapworth and cruise on back to Hatton station.  We could then stay there the rest of the week before going down the locks over the weekend.  Before we set off I walked to the Post Office which happens to be one of Buddy’s favourite places.  If I take him in, then the girls always insist on giving him treats and every time we walk past he tries to drag me in there.  The last time we went in I told them not to give him any treats as we’re trying to stop him expecting food from strangers.  They still sneaked him a couple, so now I tie him up outside.

The Post Office trip was to send Matthew’s mug over to Norway for him.  It was a Christmas present that he had left behind when he went home.  As expected, the postage cost more than the mug itself but he has only been able to get tea cups in the islands where he lives and would rather have his Yorkshire tea in a proper Yorkshire tea mug 😊  

We set off when we got back to the boat and had a leisurely cruise back the four miles down the Grand Union to Hatton.

Buddy in his cruising position - practically on the gunwales

Buddy tends to sit on the towpath side so he can see the walkers, although I imagine he is looking at their dogs.  It’s quite funny if he sees squirrels as he starts hopping from foot to foot and I’m surprised he’s never fallen in.

Once again, we didn’t pass any boats on the move

It’s amazing, but we haven’t passed a single boat on the move since the beginning of November.  That was down in Alvechurch when the boat coming the other way was travelling too fast and hit a couple of moored boats.  It was the sort of situation where nothing needs to be said – actions speak louder than words.  Izzie on Black Sheep did come past us in the ice at Shirley in the middle of December, but I don’t really count that as we were moored up at the time.  

I resisted the urge to take yet more pictures of the non-working working boats but couldn’t resist taking a picture of Shrewley tunnel.

Not the usual shot I know, but I had to do something

Actually, to be honest, I did take pictures of the double tunnel entrance, and really had to include it here.

Sorry folks!

The eagle-eyed amongst you (such as Mike Fielding 😉) will have noticed that we have postponed our booking for a pontoon in Liverpool docks by a month.  Mike put two and two together and guessed that this means Karen is staying at work for an extra four weeks.  This is quite true, but after this week, she will only have nine weeks left.  She has an agreement with them that if anything else needs to be done after that then it will be done from the boat as we will be on our way north.

We’re going to need diesel soon so, in the afternoon, I had a conversation with Mark, the guy who runs the fuel boat Callisto from Warwick to Market Harborough and also up the Ashby.  Because of the stoppages, he is only operating the eastern side of his route and won’t be back down to Warwick until April time.  As we only intend staying in the Warwick area for the near future and there are no boatyards selling fuel to the public, it means we’ll have to start using jerry cans.  So we need to find which local garages sell red diesel to the public; failing that we can always drive to the boatyard at Lapworth and get fuel there.

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