Thursday 20 April 2017

Stratford on Avon (those French have fancy stanking plank stores)

Having gone down to Luddington on the River Avon at the weekend we came back to Stratford on Monday as we were having guests.  We play bridge once a week, diaries permitting, with a couple of ladies from Stratford.  We alternate between their houses and have always promised them that we will host when we are in Stratford.  It was finally our turn on Tuesday, hence the return to Stratford.

Moored near the old tramway bridge where limestone used to be transported across the river

Our mooring with the eye in the background

Both ladies were vehemently opposed to the eye being erected over the summer – the townsfolk believed it would encourage the wrong sort of people.   It was quite ironic that we were playing bridge in full view of it.  The evening went well apart from the fact that my back started playing up.

By Tuesday morning it was really in spasm, the first time since we have been living on the boat so I suppose that’s not bad as it used to happen two or three times a year in the office based days.
I spent most of Tuesday resting my back and having the odd short walk to ease it.  Coincidentally Buddy is also under the weather so he has been happy with short walks and spending most of the time curled up in his bed.

Aileen and Mike are well into their first year’s cruising the French waterways and Aileen sent me a picture of a stanking plank store.  Rather posh really as it even has a tiled roof – don’t think the tiles would survive vandalism over here.

Store on the Lateral de la Loire - thanks Aileen

Later in the afternoon, whilst I was resting my back, there was a knock at the door.  It was Wendy and Austin paying a surprise visit.  They had moored near the top of the Hatton flight and caught a train to Stratford for the day.  As usual we had a pleasant catch up and our paths should cross at the end of May as they are heading down the Stratford canal then which is probably when we will be heading back up.

Before my back had gone I was going to cruise back to Luddington but it seems we may well be stuck in Stratford for another day or two.

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