Saturday, 16 December 2017

Shirley (changing cruising plans yet again)

The Lapworth flight of locks was due to reopen on Friday so our plan for the weekend was to get down the flight and moor back at the ‘marquee’ field for a couple of weeks.  The marquee field is one lock below the basin at Lapworth and we call it that as we watched the build up to and the actual wedding in the field opposite last year. 

Sue came over for lunch on Friday and we had a pleasant time chatting for a few hours.  We couldn’t believe it was two years since we last got together so there was plenty of news to catch up on.  Sue had mentioned to friends that she was visiting us on the boat and they had warned her it would be really cold.  Quite rightly, she pointed out that as we live on the boat we would make sure it was cosy.  As it happened, it was a sunny day and, coupled with the stove, meant we had to have windows and hatches open for most of the time.

We were going to have a cruise after Sue left but the ice was too thick so we stayed put and went for a good circular walk with Buddy instead.  I also rang Swallow boatyard down at Lapworth and they said the ice was still thick down there and they wouldn’t take a narrowboat through it.  The trouble being, that with the locks closed, no boats had come through since the cold snap.  With the weather warming up over the rest of the weekend we decided we could always cruise over the next few days.

Mike and Lesley were coming over for lunch on Saturday so, on Friday, I asked if they could pick me up at Lapworth where I would leave our car ready for when we get the boat down there over the next few days.  Unfortunately, it was another sharp frost on Friday night so with ice still a problem I rang Mike and said we’ve changed plans yet again and are staying put.

Saturday morning - all the ice I had broken up on Thursday had reformed

On Friday evening we often watch the Graham Norton chat show, but we are now finding that we know hardly anyone he brings on to interview; mainly because they are film actors and as we don’t go to the cinema or watch films we are oblivious to who they are.  Last night was no exception, and we knew none of the four interviewees – it turned out that they were all Star Wars actors and were being interviewed because a new Star Wars film is on the way (apparently).  Mharie, who lives with her family on a boat in Warwick had said during the day that she was going to be a Star Wars widow this weekend which didn’t mean anything at the time but, of course, it all fell into place after watching the show.

We’ll see what the next couple of days will bring.  As usual, we’re in no rush and at least Karen is off work for the next three or so weeks 😊

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